The SICCAR team are working with CAST as part of Catalyst, to build a scalable and re-usable tech prototype to support referrals into and within the voluntary sector.
Now nearing the end of the 11-week project, this week we had the opportunity to show our platform to the entire project team to demonstrate our progress and proposed solution.
This solution lets you search for relevant voluntary sector organisations in your area, using a standard set of terms which makes searching easier and results more relevant. Overall, the response was positive and the platform is fit for purpose.

The next steps are to action any items on the snagging list ahead of the project deadline. We then also have time scheduled for a retro and to reflect on lessons learned.
As part of supporting the continuation of Open Referral in the UK, SICCAR and CAST are hosting a workshop on Wednesday 5th May at 13:00. This session will explore how the UK can implement a nation-wide Open Referral system to support referrals into and within the third sector. If you’re interesting in being involved, register here.
Sharing is caring – speak with SICCAR about the work we’re doing to better integrate the third sector
SICCAR works with care organisations and charities to enable better-connected care, using trusted open data standards and distributed ledger technology.
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